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Inside the Phoenix Verified Routes Sigil

Aug 2024

Here I'm going to dive into Phoenix.VerifiedRoutes sigil and see how it handles paths string interpolations.

~p is a macro sigil that lives here phoenix/lib/phoenix/verified_routes.ex.

Setting the Stage

By string interpolations I mean #{something} encountered in path strings. Here are a few examples.

Notice how the path segment containing #{post} is encoded as its id in the following example:

get "/posts/:post_id", PostController, :show

defmodule Post do
  defstruct [:id]

post = %Post{id: 123}
#=> "/posts/123"

Or here, how the sigil encodes query parameters:

get "/posts", PostController, :list

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}
#=> /posts?search=encode+me&direction=asc&page=1

Somehow the sigil knows how to transform structures and encode query parameters.

Let's remove the ? character and see how the sigil behaves. The following snippet produces a warning during compilation and crashes during runtime:

get "/posts", PostController, :list

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}

# Compiling 1 file (.ex)
#    warning: no route path for MyRouter.Router matches "/posts#{params}"

So, the sigil also checks if something resembling query parameters follows the ? character, otherwise it treats it as a path segment.

It certainly lives up to its module name and verifies routes, but how exactly does it happen? Thankfully, we can take a sneak peek behind its implementation. But before doing that, let's take a quick detour to poke at Elixir's strings and sigils.

String Interpolation

How does string interpolation work in Elixir? Well, there's a straightforward way to find out by quoting a string containing an interpolation and inspecting the result:

quote do

{:<<>>, [],
   {:"::", [],
    [{{:., [], [Kernel, :to_string]}, [from_interpolation: true], [1234]}, {:binary, [], Elixir}]},

# Which is this:

<<"/first", Kernel.to_string(1234), "/second">>

So, interpolations split strings into chunks, and these chunks are reassembled into a binary afterward. All interpolated parts are cast to strings using Kernel.to_string.

Let's turn our attention to sigils now.


There's a few sigils that comes with Elixir: ~c to define chartists or ~r that defines regular expressions. But we can also define custom ones like this:

defmodule MySigils do
  def sigil_f(string, _extra), do: dbg(string)

# `dbg` outputs:
# string #=> "/first/1234/second"

Let's try the new sigil with something more complicated:

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}

# ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for %{search: "encode me", page: 1, direction: "asc"} of type Map

Alas, it crashes. There's no output from the dbg, meaning that the sigil function didn't have a chance to run. The function should step in a bit earlier, before its arguments are "evaluated". That sounds like something a macro can do:

defmodule MySigils do
  defmacro sigil_m(string, _extra), do: dbg(string)

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}

# `dbg` outputs:
string #=> {:<<>>, [line: 2],
   {:"::", [line: 2],
      {{:., [line: 2], [Kernel, :to_string]},
       [from_interpolation: true, line: 2], [{:params, [line: 2], nil}]},
      {:binary, [line: 2], nil}

# ** (Protocol.UndefinedError) protocol String.Chars not implemented for %{search: "encode me", page: 1, direction: "asc"} of type Map

Still crashing, but this time dbg has actually printed something. And this something is an AST of an interpolated binary. Similar to one from the string interpolation section.

It appears that Kernel.to_string doesn't know how to turn maps into strings.

Here's a wild idea, how about we swap Kernel.to_string with a function that can convert maps to strings, for example Kernel.inspect?

defmodule MySigils do
  defmacro sigil_m({:<<>>, meta, segments}, _extra) do
    processed_segments =
      for segment <- segments do
        case segment do
          {:"::", meta_1,
             {{:., meta_2, [Kernel, :to_string]}, meta_3, args}, type
           ]} ->
            {:"::", meta_1,
               {{:., meta_2, [Kernel, :inspect]}, meta_3, args}, type
          segment ->
    {:<<>>, meta, processed_segments}

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}

# "/posts?%{search: \"encode me\", page: 1, direction: \"asc\"}"

Yay! It's not the prettiest code to follow, but swapping Kernel.to_string with Kernel.inspect did the job. Let's see the result AST:

params = %{page: 1, direction: "asc", search: "encode me"}

macro = quote do

Macro.expand_once(macro, __ENV__)

{:<<>>, [],
   {:"::", [],
      {{:., [], [Kernel, :inspect]}, [from_interpolation: true], [{:params, [], Elixir}]},
      {:binary, [], Elixir}

As you can see, somewhere in the midst of AST now there's [Kernel, :inspect] instead of [Kernel, :to_string].

Cool, having a rough idea about what's going on with interpolation and sigils, let's eyeball the sigil_p's implementation.

sigil_p internals

Without further ado, here's the sigil's implementation:

defmacro sigil_p({:<<>>, _meta, _segments} = route, extra) do
  endpoint = attr!(__CALLER__, :endpoint)
  router = attr!(__CALLER__, :router)

  |> build_route(route, __CALLER__, endpoint, router)
  |> inject_path(__CALLER__)

Ahem, there are more things going on aside from interpreting interpolations. But, drilling down a bit into build_route > rewrite_path > verify_segment, we can see how the function shapes passed arguments.

One thing to notice is that path segments and query parameters are encoded a bit differently. Here's where one of the verify_segment's closures branches out:

defp verify_segment(["/" <> _ = segment | rest], route, acc) do
    case {String.split(segment, "?"), rest} do
      {[segment], _} ->
        verify_segment(rest, route, [URI.encode(segment) | acc])

      {[segment, static_query], dynamic_query} ->
        {Enum.reverse([URI.encode(segment) | acc]),
         verify_query(dynamic_query, route, [static_query])}

Here's what happens with path segments, in other words /#{value}:

defp verify_segment(
        {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [Kernel, :to_string]}, m3, [dynamic]}, {:binary, _, _} = bin]}
        | rest
      [prev | _] = acc
    when is_binary(prev) do
  rewrite = {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [__MODULE__, :__encode_segment__]}, m3, [dynamic]}, bin]}
  verify_segment(rest, route, [rewrite | acc])

# The function replaces:
#   {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [Kernel, :to_string]}, m3, [dynamic]}, {:binary, _, _}]}
# with:
#   {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [__MODULE__, :__encode_segment__]}, m3, [dynamic]}, bin]}

The function replaces Kernel.to_string with __MODULE_.__encode_segment__. Let's check it out:

defp encode_segment(data) do
  |> Phoenix.Param.to_param()
  |> URI.encode(&URI.char_unreserved?/1)

Aha, so segments are encoded with Phoenix.Param.to_param(). Phoenix.Param's default implementation extracts the id field from a structure. Most Ecto schemas fit this description.

Circling back to query parameters interpolation. A very similar thing happens to them as well:

defp verify_query(
        {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [Kernel, :to_string]}, m3, [arg]}, {:binary, _, _} = bin]}
        | rest
    ) do
  rewrite = {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [__MODULE__, :__encode_query__]}, m3, [arg]}, bin]}
  verify_query(rest, route, [rewrite | acc])

# The function replaces:
#   {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [Kernel, :to_string]}, m3, [arg]}, {:binary, _, _}
# with:
#   {:"::", m1, [{{:., m2, [__MODULE__, :__encode_query__]}, m3, [arg]}

Instead of Kernel.to_string, query parameters are interpolated with __MODULE_.__encode_query__:

def __encode_query__(dict) when is_list(dict) or (is_map(dict) and not is_struct(dict)) do
  case Plug.Conn.Query.encode(dict, &to_param/1) do
    "" -> ""
    query_str -> query_str

def __encode_query__(val), do: val |> to_param() |> URI.encode_www_form()

defp to_param(int) when is_integer(int), do: Integer.to_string(int)
defp to_param(bin) when is_binary(bin), do: bin
defp to_param(false), do: "false"
defp to_param(true), do: "true"
defp to_param(data), do: Phoenix.Param.to_param(data)

As you can see, query parameters are encoded by the Plug.Conn.Query.encode function. The function knows how to transform maps and keyword lists into an encoded query.

Okay, let's stop here.


In the end, we found out that the ~p sigil encodes path segments, e.g. ~p/#{path}, with Phoenix.Param.to_param() and query parameters with Plug.Conn.Query.encode.

Sigils may seem magical, but thanks to Elixir's transparency, we can tap into their internals basically at any point in their lifecycle.

I hope you find them as cool as I do. Thanks for reading, see ya.

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